Saturday, January 16, 2010

Photojournaling Our Way Thru LA, Part 2

No school means you can generally find me and Ashley downtown, and semester break is no exception.  We took the red line down from school again, this time (thankfully) with more knowledge of our cameras (ie, not spending 15 minutes trying to change Ash's film, and not thinking that 1/2000 of a second shutter speed actually works).

We were planning on going to the courthouse and sitting in on some trials, but, for various reasons, that didn't quite work out.  So we ended up just hanging out at the food court in the Los Angeles Mall, talking about school, politics, life . . . .We got some very strange looks from the lawyer-type people who were sitting a few tables over, although we probably deserved most of them.  Ashley for speculating that the government could overhear our conversation because our cell phones were on, me for my (rather long and loud) rant about why exactly Prop 8 is unconstitutional, backed with direct quotes from my pocket constitution.  I really, really want to know what they were thinking . . .

Since I didn't have a dance lesson this time, we got to stay downtown a bit longer, so I got night photographs!  None of them using flash, all of them using different apertures and shutter speeds.  Although some of them (specifically the ones with 4 or 8 second shutter lapses) did come out quite blurry because I didn't have a tripod and my hands are notoriously unsteady.


  1. Love the pictures! I had sooooo much fun! I also want to know what those lawyers were thinking. I wish I could read minds. I will probably write a blog post, but I want to wait to develop my pictures (It's just not the same without pictures).

  2. hey - so I work in the building behind the bridge (the picture just below the Wackenhut bus picture). now you know! I'm so happy you're exploring downtown!

  3. apparently we need a new google group....
