Friday, September 18, 2009

Obama, Healthcare, and Stuff You Really Shouldn't Say During Congress

It doesn't matter if you're a Democrat or a Republican, if you love you president or hate your president, if you are a member of Congress, and the president is addressing a joint session on a televised broadcast, you do not jump out of your seat and yell "You lie!" at the president.  Especially if he's well, not actually lying.  And yes, Joe Wilson, I'm talking about you.

Now, I'll be the first person to tell you that I haven't been keeping too close of tabs on the whole healthcare debate.  I am far and away more interested in international relations and foreign policy than domestic issues.  But I do know a few things.

The current healthcare system is broken.  Even most of the Republicans know that, even if they won't admit it.  We need a new plan, and right now, Obama's is the best one out there.  It provides coverage for the millions of Americans who can't afford insurance, and, after all, healthcare should be a right, not a privelege.  For all of you who complain that Obama's a socialist, guess what: he's not.  For all of you who think this plan covers illegal immigrants (*cough*joewilson*cough*), guess what: it doesn't.  For all of you who bitch and moan about the increased taxes, try thinking beyond yourself for once.  You might want to try reading and understanding something before you criticize it.

Now, on to the actual outburst.  Grown peoples' ability to act like schoolchildren never ceases to amaze me, and apparently even congressmen aren't exempted from this.  Basic manners say you don't talk while other people are talking.  Don't you remember learning that in kindergarten?  And while caning people on the Senate floor may have been perfectly normal in the 1800s, neither that nor its verbal equivalent is acceptable today.  I agree with the House's decision to formally reprimand Wilson just as much as I roll my eyes at his "apology" and "resoning" behind the outburst.  When even people from your own party join in condemming you, you've crossed a line.

Congress is supposed to represent what's best about America.  Checks and balances, the people's elected representatives making laws, and all that.  And no matter who currently occupies the position, the office of President of the United States should command some dignity and respect (there are those very few cases who make such a mockery of the office that I just throw my hands up in disbelief).  Civil debate is what Congress is all about.  This healthcare speech was a chance for Obama to explain his plan, to try to reach out to Republicans.  Joe Wilson, therefore, made not only himself but the whole House look stupid.  How is anyone supposed to take seriously a body that doesn't even afford the president the simple courtesy of silent attentiveness during a speech?  Honestly.

Hopefully, this was a (relatively) unbiased look at this one issue.  This is one case where my reaction would have been the same no matter who yelled at Obama.  And now . . . off to bed!

This one's for you, Ash!  Thanks for the idea =)

1 comment:

  1. Your welcome. Well, in my opinion, the plan that Obama put forth in his speech didn't seem too socialist to me( that's a good thing) and even though I feel healthcare could still be handled by a free market system solution, I wouldn't be too upset if this bill (the one that he proposed) passes. It's when all of a sudden you're paying many extra taxes you weren't aware of is when I have a problem. And I do think many progressive republicans agree that our healthcare system now isn't too great; not all republicans are against any change whatsoever.
    What I found funny is that the media covered/talked about the "you lie" comment much more than the content of his speech. I feel that says something about us Americans, and I'm not so sure it's something positive.
