Sunday, October 25, 2009

U's and Reviews

Lame title, maybe, but just deal =)  it'll all make sense, eventually, haha.

U2 is playing at the Rose Bowl tonight, and I'm not there!  Life is so not fair sometimes.  But on the plus side, I'm sitting here at my computer, watching the live stream on youtube.  In a way, it's better than actually being there, becuase with the 90,000+ people there, I'm sure I wouldn't have seen a thing.  Add to that the fact that U2 has lovely camera people (do you know how rare that is at concerts?) and that my little geeky self is loving the lens flares, you have a pretty happy Anya, all around.  Bono is funny, the stage is amazing beyond words, and the band overall is perfectly top-notch.  I'm crossing my fingers that they'll play "New Year's Day", but I was looking through old set lists and they haven't recently =(  In any case, I can't wait for the DVD of this!

My friends got me totally, utterly, helplessly addicted to Law & Order: SVU.  Thanks a lot, you guys . . .  I won't be doing reviews for each individual episode (I wish I had that much free time!) but I'll do a recap at the end of each season, 'kay?  'Kay good.  I watched the first four episodes this weekend . . . Olivia Benson is fast becoming one of my favorite TV characters, period.

I finally finished watching Atlantis Season 3!!  So now I have three more episodes to review, and then I can cross something off my to-do list! =)  Review for "Sunday" is finally up on my website, check here.

A few words of advice:  naps are not just for little kids, they are lovely for everyone.  Just don't take them on couches in hotel lobbies while waiting for your sisters to dance at a feis.  The people who work there tend to be rather unamused.  Um.  Yeah.  Story of my weekend . . .

Anyway, that's all for now, since I'm beyond tired, but check back soon for some more politics-related stuff, rather than just my random ramblings =)

1 comment:

  1. Love you!!!! I love SVU and det. Benson is amazing! U2 also rocks my socks and I take naps (and I'll take your advice, don't sleep in hotels unless you have a room). Can't wait to read some more insightful political opinions.
