Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Things Wrong With The World, Part 2

This was originally going to be in honor of Banned Books Week, a rant about censorship and stupidity, and the futility of trying to keep knowledge from children.  Well, I kinda missed that train ( but I'll just incorporate that into a larger rant.

I was driving with my mom the other day (well, fine, my mother was driving, but hey) and I just happened to look out my window.  The woman in the SUV next to us had about six bobby pins in her mouth and both her hands were occupied with putting up her hair.  Going sixty miles an hour.  On the freeway.  Are you trying to get someone killed?  I know people in LA can't drive, but this is really taking it too far.

Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.  For, um, making nice speeches about "hope" and "change" and being an optimist?  Because that's all I can think of at the moment.  I'm sure there were plenty of other people who have sacrificed much more and accomplished better things that this prize could have gone to.  And as much as I love my country and think President Obama is pretty cool, I would have much rather have seen this be awarded to him in a few years' time, when he's made genuine progress on his Middle Eastern peace initiatives.  This lovely New York Times columnist has written what I think to be the perfect speech for Obama to give at the ceremony in December.

NASA crashed a spaceship into the moon to look for water vapor.  And practically no one cared.  Except the scientists.  And me.  What's up with people?  This is the future we're talking about!

Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck are pathetic excuses for human beings, just like FOX news is an insult to good journalism.  Honestly, it's people and organizations like this that give all Republicans a bad name.  I laughed when I saw that the White House was treating FOX like part of the "political opposition", because .... they so are.  Really.  And as for some of Anita Dunn's comments . . . wow, remind me to never get on her bad side!

I'm still shocked by the amount of incivility and childishness that our Congresspeople demonstrate.  California's Democratic Assemblyman Tom Ammiano thinks it's perfectly appropriate to yell "You lie!" at Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, along with several other unreapeatable things.  Sheesh, all the governor did was show up at a fundraiser.  A Democratic one, to be sure, and he's certainly made many of us Democrats angry, but there's no excuse for saying what he did.  And then a senator says that Republican opposition to healthcare reform just means they wan't people to "die slowly".  True?  Possibly.  Inappropriate? Oh yes indeed.  And if that wasn't enough, a representative finishes up his rebuttal against a House colleague by cussing him out.  That's practically beyond ridiculous.  I mean, no wonder Congress never gets anything done, everyone is too busy fighting.  I cant believe people think that it's okay to say these things.  Because it's not.  I have the urge to go up to some of these people and shove a bar of soap in their mouths, because these people need a good mouthwashing.

And finally, Pepsi wins the Bad Taste award of the month for it's iPhone app, designed to help men "score" women.  It's rude, it's degrading, it stereotypes women, and as a joke, it goes way too far.  What happened to Apple's famed "app approval process" (oooh, alliteration skillz xD) which is criticized for being to harsh but lets something like this slip through?  Not okay.

1 comment:

  1. I love this rant. I agree with many things you say. Congress sometimes reminds me of a playground. But, I think we need an outlet to air our problems and then get some actual work done. For example, look at the House of Commons(I love C-SPAN). They can boo and hiss at the PM, but at the end of the day he's a better man for it because he's being grilled by the people(or the people's representatives). We don't tend to grill the president face to face so resentment might build up. But, I agree with you on how those comments were extremely inappropriate. And I don't think Republicans want people to "die slowly". We've come up with a free market way to deal with the healthcare problems, but since the Democrats are basically in control, we won't be learning about that option. Also, I want to see a filibuster live, and maybe I will get that wish when the senate has to vote on the healthcare legislation(again I will be watching C-SPAN!).
