Oooh! Lookit what I dug up from last October!
Unless you've been living under a rock the past month (and I hope you haven't, that sounds awfully not-fun!) then you know all about the war of words that the White House is waging against Fox News. For me personally, I found it enjoyable to follow for the first few weeks, before I resorted to shaking my head and repeating Artie Neilson's line from Warehouse 13: "Children. I am working with children." Okay, I'm not working with them, but they sure are running the country! In any case, I think Anita Dunn & Co. are emerging as the clear winners in this, for several reasons.
1. When you get right down to it, well, the White House is right. Fox News is not news. I wouldn't go as far as Anita Dunn and call them the PR wing of the Republican party (although several people there do a very god job of being exactly that), but it's not news. It's commentary, plain and simple -- incredibly biased commentary, that likes to pass itself off as news.
2. Fox is populated by liars and hypocrites. Well, actually, that's not fair. The most vocal people on Fox (Sean Hannitty, Glenn Beck, et al) are hypocrites. For example, Glenn Beck calls Anita Dunn a communist for saying Mao Zedong is one of her favorite political philosophers. But . . . guess who one of his favorite authors is?! Yep, Adolf Hitler.
So . . . interesting, yeah?
By the way, before you accuse me of railing against Fox just because I disagree with their conservative position, consider this: Keith Olbermann says many things that I agree with. I still think he's a pretentious git, and MSNBC would never be my first choice for news, either.
I like what you say at the end. I hate Glenn Beck and Keith Olberman. Yay! Anyways, when I feel my base needs to be strengthened I listen to Fox News. It makes me feel vindicated in my choice of political party after a rough day at school with flaming liberals. But, just because I watch it doesn't mean I take it as news or truth. I read the WSJ and The Economist for that. Oh, and ABC.