Apple's September conference always has me running home from school a bit earlier than usual to read the news and see what new updates have come out. And I love most of the new updates this year. Emphasis on most.
I won't spend too much time on analyzing all the new iPod updates, since you can read those pretty much anywhere. Quick summary though: a new 64GB Touch, price cuts for the 8GB & 32GB Touches and the shuffle, video camera for the nano. What I really want to focus on (read: rant about) is iTunes 9.
So iTunes 9 is a wonderful update, I'm not disputing that. The new features are excellent. It looks pretty, it runs faster. And everything I've read about the re-designed iTunes store makes me excited.
Except. You need Safari 4 to use the iTunes store. And, well, me being me (tell me if I have anybody else who does this), I go back and forth between Opera and Firefox and never actually use Safari. So I don't have Safari 4, 'cause, hey, what's the point? And I can't actually download the update because (as usual) I've been lazy and haven't updated my OS recently, so I'm still running 10.5.2, while you need 10.5.7 to get Safari 4.
Now, really. I need two updates before I can use half of what makes iTunes so great. I know I partly have myself to blame, but seriously. The Safari download could be easier/still availible to us who don't have time to update to 10.5.x every month. Or . . . just . . . i dunno, make iTunes work with earlier versions of Safari?
The upshot of all this is, I'm very happy with almost everything new. Just that pesky iTunes store stops me from enjoying everything like I should.
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