India and China are preparing for what is sure to be a truly spectacular total solar eclipse tomorrow. And while I am sitting here in the States wishing wishing wishing that I could be there for just the one day, many of people with the great good luck to lie in the eclipse's path are wishing that they didn't.
Sound crazy? Yeah, that was my first reaction too. Well, once you think about it, they have a reason. It might not be a good reason, but centuries of Hindu mythology and history have given many a deep dependence on superstition. They fear that this eclipse is a bad omen, portending wars, terrorist attacks, plagues, and many other disasters. Looking at the state of the world today, one might very well think that they have a point! It's true that the world is pretty depressing right now, but it's not because of the eclipse.
Now, I firmly support every person's right to belong to whatever religion they wish. If you want to be a Hindu, go ahead. I personally love all of the old Hindu myths. But there is a problem when a believer refuses to accept changes and modernity because of his or her religion. Science may be young, but science still knows a lot. I'm not bashing Hindus or their religion here. Please don't get me wrong. What I'm saying is that the only way that this eclipse will provoke the disasters portended is if people who firmly believe in the superstition go out and cause those disasters themselves. Is there a reason why a person can't be religious and a scientist at the same time? I personally can't see one. The gods and the planets and the sun and the moon do not control our destiny. Only we do.
Let me close by saying, once again, that I'm insanely jealous of everyone who gets to see this eclipse, and I hoe that people can see it for the beauty that it really is.
Oh, and in case you're wondering what the "reviews" tag is doing at the bottom of this, I posted my latest Stargate Atlantis review here. Also, check back here tomorrow for the next Warehouse 13 review =).
Dudette???? You started a blog too??? Wow I love it so far!!! Nice posts, chica!!! Email me when you can <3