Sunday, November 1, 2009

Computer Updates + Halloween = Happy Anya!

So, it turns out that when I'm bored with schoolwork, I become very productive with non-school related things.  More to the point, updating pretty much everything on my computer!

A summary:
  • Mac OSX 10.5.2 to OSX 10.5.8.  Honestly, I don't see much of a difference, maybe it runs a bit faster, and I can run Safari 4 and other stuff now.  Reccommended in any case :)
  • Safari (something) to Safari 4.  Okay, everyone needs to do this.  Well, probably everyone already has, I feel like I'm a bit behind the times here, but it's much faster, much prettier, and has a ton of new features, like being able to browse your most-visited sites in cover-flow style, that are pretty cool. 
  • iTunes 8 to iTunes 9.0.2.  The whole reason I went through all of these updates in the first place!  Now that I can actually use the iTunes store, I'm loving this particular upgrade much more than I was previously!  To avoid turning into an Apple commercial, let me just say that if you haven't tried iTunes 9 yet, you are being deprived of LIFE!  Haha, okay, not that extreme, but you should get this :)
 And, on a totally random note, I'm sure the Vatican has better things to do than condemn Halloween as dangerous, pagan, and satanic.  The main danger comes from kids crossing the street in the dark, pagan is not a bad thing, and Halloween originated as a harvest festival, which I do not think is satanic at all.  What's next, trying to ban Dia de los Muertos because it celebrates dead people?  Sheesh.  Anyway, I hope you all had a lovely, safe Halloween, and happy November to you all :)


  1. Love that and totally agreed. What's wrong with the pagans? They had some awesome and cool traditions that we'd be fools to get rid of. Sometimes, the Catholic Church makes me do a double take.

  2. ok then get this: they're making it easier for anglicans to join the catholic church. oh, but not just any anglicans. just the ones who don't want the church to perform gay marriages/allow married bishops/anything else progressive. nice, huh? way to affirm your status as stodgy old guys stuck in the year 980.

  3. Yeah, that sucks. We don't need more people like that.
